The Many Faces of The Skeebb - Expanding our BombBullie Skeebb Line

BombBullie The Skeebb - The Many Faces of Skeebb

We love The Skeebb™! If you're not quite sure who The Skeebb™ is, read our short post about him HERE. But in a nutshell, Skeebb™ is our symbol of our EOD Techs, friends, and family. EOD can be a dangerous life, but amidst that we cherish and take care of each other and live life to the fullest. That got sentimental real quick! ;) 

Back to the expansion of The Skeebb™...He has turned into one of our EOD community's favorites for screen printing on various apparel. We decided to do a couple different "versions" of him and have just introduced Skuba Skeebb™, NVG Skeebb™, and Molotov Cocktail Skeebb™.