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EOD Blog


Silk Screen Printing with Discharge Inks - Ancient Video

by Kellie Graebner

Silk Screen Printing with Discharge Inks - Ancient Video

I found this video from a few years ago when I first started playing with water-based and discharge inks...I only had a hand held heat gun to cure the inks, which had to be cured at 350 degrees F for at least 1 1/2 minutes. Yah I was seeing the chiropractor every couple weeks lol!  I wanted to share it so y'all could see the process of using discharge inks. It's pretty cool to see the garment change to the color you've dyed it in real time. Enjoy and don't make too much fun of me! ;) 

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The Many Faces of The Skeebb - Expanding our BombBullie Skeebb Line

by Kellie Graebner

The Many Faces of The Skeebb - Expanding our BombBullie Skeebb Line

We love The Skeebb™! If you're not quite sure who The Skeebb™ is, read our short post about him HERE. But in a nutshell, Skeebb™ is our symbol of our EOD Techs, friends, and family. EOD can be a dangerous life, but amidst that we cherish and take care of each other and live life to the fullest. That got sentimental real quick! ;)  Back to the expansion of The Skeebb™...He has turned into one of our EOD community's favorites for screen printing on various apparel. We decided to do a couple different "versions" of him and have just introduced Skuba Skeebb™, NVG Skeebb™, and Molotov Cocktail Skeebb™. 

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Who is Skuba Skeebb?

by Kellie Graebner

Who is Skuba Skeebb?

First off, Who is The Skeebb? Skeebb stands for Skeleton, Booze, and Bomb Dude. He's our Fun, EOD infused play on Skelly from Social Distortion.   To us, Skeebb represents the fun side of our EOD community, family, and friends. Our EOD guys and gals work their assess off, and are often times either deployed or in work ups which takes them away from their family and friends. When we have our time together, we make the most of it, living it up as much as we can without getting arrested haha. We cherish those good times and memories. Our Skeebb is a symbol of this, a symbol of the EOD Family.  SKUBA SKEEBB EMERGES FROM THE DEEP We loved The Skeebb as he was, but I kept having this vision pop up of an underwater version of Skeebb holding on to a moored mine as if it was a kid holding on to a balloon. And I had wanted to make a design to represent the Underwater EOD Community. However, being a wife of a Marine Corps EOD Tech (before the Marines had their underwater EOD Team up and running), I wasn't well versed in anything dive or underwater related to EOD. So I hit up our cronies Mo Tackitt (Retired U.S. Navy EOD Diver) and Dave Moran (U.S. Marine Corps EOD Diver) to help me iron out the details of our new Skuba Skeebb.  Made a couple small revisions with the help of some other awesome EOD Divers, and wallah...Skuba Skeebb in da house!     

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